The NATO Morse Code Transmitting Key.
A Navy Nato key made by MARCONI S.&.R. SYSTEMS LTD.
I am lucky to own one of these keys that, when I got it, was still sealed in its original packaging and labels. One label reads: "5805 99 541 1439. KEY MORSE TELEGRAPH. SPIS. ASWE/A 289787. Iss.2. P.P.QTY.1. SER. No PES 108.84".
The Key Unpacked After 26 Years.
Interestingly the cover of this model is made of fibreglass and the label on top of the cover reads: "5805.99.541.1439" "KEY TELEGRAPH" "SER. NO. PES. 108. 84". The MOD RECORD sticker has check-boxes 1 to 20.